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Ways of giving to the church


Thank you for considering a gift to TWBC. The church is completely funded by the members and friends of the church and receive no money from other sources apart from Gift Aid from HMRC on donations. 
We have two accounts: 
Ministry Account (Sort Code: 40-52-40 Account number: 00007819) This is mainly used for the running of the church including paying the Pastors and staff, utilities bills as well as the maintenance and upkeep of the church buildings. 10 % of giving is tithed for mission.

Mission Account (Sort Code: 40-52-40 Account number 00008427) - This money is restricted to be used for mission work in the UK and abroad. 
All accounts are with: 
CAF Bank Limited    

Sort Code: 40-52-40

25 Kings Hill Avenue Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4JQ 

Gifts can be made by:

  • Standing Order to the Church; (download the form and send it to your bank, or use the details to set up a standing order using online banking).

  • BACS transfer to the church - please use the bank account details above.  

  • Text - you can give by sending a text to 70085 followed by TWBC followed by a number from 1 to 20 to show how much you want to give between £1 and £20. e.g. TWBC 10 donates £10

  • Cheque - payable to 'Tunbridge Wells Baptist Church' and sent to The Treasurer. This will be paid into the Ministry Account unless you specify otherwise.  

  • Cash or Cheque in the offertory box on a Sunday morning. This money will be paid into the Ministry Account unless you place it in an envelope and mark it to specify one of the other funds.  


Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax-payer we would really appreciate you signing up to Gift Aid as currently this allows TWBC to claim an extra 25% of your gift's value from HMRC. Download a gift aid declaration form to be completed and returned to the Treasurer,  Barbara O'Driscoll, via the church office or the Resource Desk.


TWBC is a vibrant community of people from many backgrounds, discovering how to live life with God and with each other.  We want to be part of God's transforming work in Tunbridge Wells.




12 Upper Grosvenor Road

Tunbridge Wells




01892 541118

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